South Arts sessions and classes are held in the
Co-op room in the Schoolhouse Art & History Center.


Upcoming Classes: 


Watercolor Play & Exploration with Dianne Polome - Wednesday, February 12 | 6:30-8:30 PM (during open studio). Bring your favorite watercolor paints, brushes, and paper (even some scrap watercolor paper). We'll explore the possibilities of this medium as we push the boundaries with water, paper, and paint. (Suggested donation $5)


Linoleum Block Printing with Cheryl Chivers - Wednesday, February 26 | 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM (bring a lunch). Learn the basics of linoleum block carving to create easy printing projects. Cheryl will walk us through the steps to select a simple pattern, transfer the pattern, carve the design and print with it. ($35 members |
$45 non-members; includes $10 material fee). Sign up here:


Dianne Polome and Tony Bittner, class coordinators


Linoleum Block Printing with Cheryl Chivers
February 2025 classes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [465.6 KB]

Sessions Available: 

Friday Morning Open Studio (no registration)
Join us every Friday morning from 10 AM to 2 PM. Open to the public, no charge, however we have a donation box with a suggested donation of $5. Bring your own art supplies and whatever you are working on and join our group. Grab yourself a coffee or tea from Reginald's coffee shop in the building. We help each other, have fun and instruction is available if necessary. Bring a friend and join in the fun!



Wednesday Evening Figure Drawing Sessions (registration required)

Come and practice your drawing skills with a live model. The model may be nude or in costume.
Figure Drawing Sessions meets every other Wednesday Evenings, 6:30-9 pm. $12 per session.
This is not a class but a drawing session.


The next figure drawing sessions are:
February 5 and 19, March 5 and 19


Please contact Dale Gregg to register or more info: or 412-327-0441  




Wednesday Evening Open Studio sessions from 6:30-9pm (no registration)

Come join us for an open studio where you bring your own supplies. We occasionally have Member Workshops, unlike a class, where a member shares a technique or knowledge with our membership in a casual setting. Quarterly, we will have a clothed model and an artist meet and greet. Suggested donation of $5 for the art league. If you have an idea for a workshop, please contact Cheryl at


The next open studio sessions are:

February 12 and 26

March 12 and 26



Your Name

Where to Find Us...

Schoolhouse Art & History Center

Bethel Park Historical Society 

2600 South Park Road

Bethel Park, PA 15102


For more information, email

President Cheryl Chivers:

Get Connected With Us.

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